Aggregate calculator
Aggregate Calculator
Use our Aggregate Calculator to instantly calculate the quantity of material needed for your construction project.
If you’re still unsure about the amount of aggregate you need, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
A member of our team will be more than happy to advise and help establish the exact amount of aggregate needed for your project.
- Green Building Aggregates
- Pre-order and Drop--in Service
- 24 Hour Rapid Delivery
- Best Rates & Service Guaranteed
- Build more for Less!
Build more for less
At Thomas Bros, we specialise in sustainable waste management, building aggregates, and contractor services, empowering the UK construction industry to build more for less.
Our account managers are ready to offer valuable advice and support. Whether you're embarking on a new build, renovation, or domestic upgrade, we can promptly deliver our services and materials directly to your construction site. From waste removal to sand and building aggregates, along with a wide range of contractor services, we've got all your needs covered.