Immense CO2 and cost savings created through innovative soil drying solution
In this project, we tackled non-hazardous waste removal and piling mat construction and encountered a challenge with excessively wet soil.
Our innovative soil drying solution, free from lime, emerged as the perfect solution. By leveraging this cutting-edge technology, we not only maintained material integrity but also mitigated the risk of pH levels in the material rising above 11.5.
Our innovative soil drying solution, free from lime, emerged as the perfect solution. By leveraging this cutting-edge technology, we not only maintained material integrity but also mitigated the risk of pH levels in the material rising above 11.5.
This approach not only optimised safety and compliance but also resulted in significant cost savings of approximately £30k. Moreover, it spared the community from an estimated 80 lorry movements of wet material being removed and the importation of extra 6F5 material.
This initiative also prevented the emission of 8-10 tonnes of CO2 into the local atmosphere.